Gum Grafting: Expert Care at Bellevue Dental Studio

What is Gum Grafting?

Gum grafting is a dental procedure that restores receding gums by transferring healthy tissue to areas where the gums have receded. This process helps protect the roots of your teeth, reduces sensitivity, and can even enhance the appearance of your smile. Dr. Jonathan Ip at Bellevue Dental Studio specializes in providing effective gum grafting treatments that restore both function and aesthetics.

The process may sound complex, but in reality, it’s a straightforward, minimally invasive treatment that can have a significant impact on your oral health and confidence.

Why Would Gum Grafting Be Needed?

Gum grafting becomes necessary when the gums recede to the point that the roots of your teeth are exposed. Gum recession can be caused by a variety of factors, including gum disease, aggressive brushing, genetics, or even grinding your teeth. When the gums pull away from the teeth, it leaves them vulnerable to decay, increased sensitivity, and possible tooth loss.

By undergoing gum grafting at Bellevue Dental Studio, you're not only safeguarding your teeth from further damage but also enhancing the structural integrity of your gums, which is essential for a healthy, functional smile.

Who Would Be a Candidate for Gum Grafting?

You might be a candidate for gum grafting if you’re experiencing symptoms of gum recession, such as tooth sensitivity, visible roots, or inflamed and tender gums. In some cases, patients may notice that their teeth appear longer than before, a common sign of receding gums. Gum grafting is often recommended for patients who have been diagnosed with periodontitis or have a family history of gum disease.

Dr. Jonathan Ip carefully evaluates each patient to determine if gum grafting is the best option based on the severity of their gum recession, overall oral health, and individual needs.

What Happens During the Gum Grafting Procedure?

The gum grafting procedure is typically done under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Dr. Jonathan Ip begins by selecting a donor site, which can be from the roof of your mouth (called a connective tissue graft), or, in some cases, a tissue bank. He then carefully attaches the healthy tissue to the area of gum recession, stitching it in place to promote healing and tissue regeneration.

After the procedure, your body works to incorporate the graft into the existing tissue, gradually restoring your gum line. Dr. Ip will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure smooth healing and a successful outcome.

At Bellevue Dental Studio, we prioritize patient comfort and ensure that every step of your gum grafting journey is as seamless as possible. Whether you’re dealing with severe gum recession or just beginning to notice the signs, Dr. Jonathan Ip and our team are here to help you regain a healthy, confident smile.

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